July 29, 2023

Creative Ways to Induce Labor

induce labor
If you are working on your 9th month of pregnancy, then you are probably more than ready to not be pregnant anymore.

Unfortunately, babies come on their own time, and that time is often way later than their moms would appreciate. If this sounds familiar, then keep reading to learn about 10 creative ways to induce labor.

1. Uterine Stimulation

The cornerstone of labor induction has to do with uterine stimulation. Your uterus is a large muscle that must be stimulated in order to contract and start labor.

Ways to induce uterine stimulation include having sex. When you have sex, your body releases oxytocin, which can help stimulate the muscles in your uterine wall and jumpstart your contractions.

2. Nipple Stimulation

Nipple stimulation is another easy way to release oxytocin, your body’s natural labor hormone. Through nipple stimulation, you can increase the oxytocin in your blood, which can help your uterus contract and your labor to begin.

Oxytocin is a naturally occurring hormone that is released in large amounts when your labor begins. By having sex or stimulating your nipples, you can release small amounts of this hormone to augment your labor.

3. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to de-stress and allow your body to get ready for labor.

Women who exercise throughout their pregnancy are in better shape when labor starts and have more strength and endurance to last through long, hard labors.

Exercise is also a wonderful way to naturally help your baby move into the birth canal and start your labor. As you walk, gravity can help your baby drop into position for delivery.

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is another way to stimulate oxytocin release. Through ancient medicine, you can naturally stimulate your labor and relax before giving birth.

Be sure to talk with your doctor first though before signing up for an acupuncture session.

5. Membrane Stripping

Most OB/GYNs offer to strip your membranes once you have reached a certain week of your third trimester, especially if your cervix is beginning to dilate.

This simply means that your doctor will separate the amniotic sac from your cervix. In turn, your body will release prostaglandins, which can induce cervical dilation and contractions.

Ask your doctor about membrane stripping at your next appointment to see if they partake in this practice.

Doing so can also put you at a higher risk for your water to break, so if you are still early in your 3rd trimester then it is not the best idea to get your membranes stripped.

6. Spicy Foods

It is an old wives tale that eating spicy foods can induce your labor, and that may actually be true. Spicy foods can cause your intestines to ramp up, which can in-turn irritate your uterus and cause you to have contractions.

Eating spicy foods regularly in your last weeks o your last trimester can help you have more regular and forceful contractions.

7. Raspberry Leaf Tea

This is another old wives tale, but drinking raspberry leaf tea regularly can actually help strengthen your uterine muscles and help these muscles to contract.

Drinking this tea throughout your pregnancy can keep your uterus healthy, strong, and toned. Plus, it can help regulate your contractions and induce your labor once you hit your third trimester.

8. Massages

If you live in a bigger city, then it is likely that you can easily find a massage therapist who knows a thing or two about labor inducing massages.

These massages have been shown through multiple studies and through anecdotal evidence to help women start having regular contractions.

Labor-inducing massages won’t work in just one session. If you want to induce your labor, then start getting these messages once to twice weekly at the end of your third trimester.

These types of massages can help dilate your cervix and help regulate your contractions.

9. Warm Baths

Warm baths are a soothing and relaxing way to induce your labor. They can help induce your labor by de-stressing you and relaxing you.

Studies have shown that moms who can relax and allow their bodies to work properly can go into labor naturally without the use of induction medications.

But, if you are too stressed about labor and delivery then you may not relax enough to let your body do its proper job.

Start taking baths during your third trimester to keep your mind peaceful and your body relaxed, and your labor will come naturally.

10. Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose Oil is an old wives tale that can actually help your body produce extra prostaglandins.

This oil can be used vaginally in order to soften your cervix and induce cervical dilation. As you begin to dilate, your contractions will grow stronger and you will be ready to deliver your baby.

Labor induction can be a tricky and dangerous thing. Always talk with your doctor first before trying any of these ways to induce your labor.

Your doctor can talk with you about the ways that they think are the safest for you and your baby, and help you decide if naturally inducing your labor is a good choice.

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