April 27, 2023

497 thoughts on “What Happens To Your Periods After Abortion

  1. Hi I have a big problem I had an abortion 6 November and my period start 2 December then the 9 of December it com back flowing heavier some time last week it com again and now tonight its back whenever it stop I see yellow discharges does not have a foul smell but when I see the blood it look reddish brownish and it smell stank. What should I do

  2. Hi,
    i had abortion on 25 of November and I start bleeding that same day and the bleeding stop on 4 of December and I have not see my period,please is that means am still pregnant urgent answer please.

    1. I have also same prblm I aborted last dec on 7th nd stops on 16 dec but in jan my periods are late m still waiting I start implantation bleeding on 7 jan but not proper period today is 12 jan u got ur answer ? If yes plz answer me … is m still pregnant ??

  3. Hi
    I had an abortion on 9th November and a slight bleed/ period for a few days which started on 13th November
    My first period came on 18th December and I am still bleeding, the same flow as I usually have on a period so nothing alarming but I never usually have a period last more than 5 days so I am concerned
    Should I be?

    1. Hello Danielle, this irregularity might be as a result of the abortion if it continues then see your doctor.

  4. Hi,

    I had a surgical termination on the 7th November 2017 and had minor bleeding after. 2 weeks after this I then was passing clots and heavy period type like loss. 4 weeks after that I had discharge not a period though for 2 days (thinking I was comin on my period) but didn’t, I started the combined pill but realised I wasn’t protected for 7 days so I could of got pregnant but done tests and was all negative. I have just came on my period (1st January) at 7pm at night which is not normal for me and it’s very heavy soaking through pads etc and fresh red blood with the odd small clotting. Cramps also .. feels like I’m going through the abortion now not before !!? Is this normal

  5. Hi,
    I had less than 4 weeks abortion on 25th of October and I started bleeding that next day and the bleeding stopped on 2nd of November and I have not seen my period,please does that mean I am still pregnant urgent answer please?

  6. My period always came every month.
    Last menstrual period (lmp) was 26 – 31 of July 2017.

    Had a medical abortion in on 5th of Sept 2017 (6 weeks post lmp).
    Bled for seven days total (small clots were expelled over that time).
    Had a period on the 26th of Oct 2017 (1st period after m. Abortion) which lasted for 6 days (normal period length).
    DID NOT have a menstrual flow in November.
    Had another period on Dec 3rd 2017 (2nd period after m. Abortion) for 6 six days.
    I was expecting my period to start anywhere from the 2nd to the 4th of January 2018, however it is now Jan 6 and still no sign of a menstrual flow.

    My question to you is, what could be happening or what does this all mean?

    Thanks for your response in advance

  7. I had an abortion on the 5th of January and am still bleeding is it normal up until now being the 9th.

  8. I had a medical abortion on the 11th of November and my following periods came 14th of December and all seemed well and normal although not as heavy. however now it’s the 12th and January and my 2nd day of my periods are here however very very light and for myself I generally receive very heavy periods – i don’t know if I should be concerned or not.

  9. Hi
    I had abortion with pills October 2013 and since then I have been seeing dark thick blood every month…I see it every 28days but am worried because the flow don’t look like menstruation blood

  10. Hi I had an abortion last year September and since then my period is not regular again and only last for three days please what should I do?

    1. Hello Ijeoma, your periods might regularize later on. This is a common happening after an abortion.

  11. Hi
    Had an abortion on 6 Dec,then I saw blood like normal period flow on 9 for 5 days.
    But up-to now 15 of January,haven’t seen my periods yet. should I worry not?
    Reply plz

  12. Hi,
    I had medical abortion( pills) on 5th January and I was bleeding for around 8 days, later bleeding stopped from 13th January. After that 7 days there was no bleeding at all but I have got my periods on 20th January. Please let me know what to be done.

  13. Hi please I had an abortion on 8th September and I bled for 1 week and I was okay and from that day till this January my period started from 4th and lasted like three days and it stopped like three days and came again please is it normal ,I really need an answer.

  14. May
    Hi, I had a medical abortion in the middle of July.. Somewhere in august I started having my period.. I was doing just fine but in my next period I started having a very foul smell whenever I am about to end my period, it’s light and pinkish too.. Please help me..

  15. Hi M:
    I had a medical termination on 11/09 with pills. I had retained fetal tissue removed on 11/29. I have not had
    A period since. Please advise.

    1. Hello Mom, some women periods take up to 2 months to return, see your doctor if it has not returned post 2 months.

  16. hello, I had a pill abortion…and my menstruation flow the night and in the morning it stop
    what happened

  17. hello,
    i had abortion in February 2017, but still my period is irregular.my period comes 7 days late, and sometimes it’s 15 days and 25 days also. what should i do? please let me know
    thank you

    1. Hello Shalini, this happens to many women after an abortion. This might or might not regularize.

  18. Hello ma’am,
    we are trying for baby but I’m not able to conceive, even I’m not able to find my ovulation period because of irregularity of mc. please suggest what to do.

  19. I had an abortion with pills in November . November 16th I took my second pill and almost immediately started bleeding . I bled until the second week in December (almost 5 weeks total) I got a period on December 30th that’s lasted 6 days . My periods are always 6-7 days . It’s now January 28 and I have not received a period . My cycle usually lasts for 28 days and my period is never late . I know that can change since abortion but I’m scared I might be pregnant again . I’m currently 2 days late . Should I be alarmed ?

  20. Hi ,
    I had my medical abortion on Jan 2, 2018 and the bleeding lasted for 9 days. It’s been 27 days after the abortion and still I have not got my periods , please suggest if this is okay.

    1. Hello Nandhini, your period might take anywhere between 3-6 weeks to return and for some women even longer.

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