Do you want to know how to boost your chances of getting pregnant? If yes, you are not alone as millions of women are trying to this every day from all over the world. When you prepare your body for at least a month before you try to get pregnant, this will not only significantly increase your chances of conceiving quickly but also help you to have a healthy and strong baby.
Tips on How to Boost Your Chances of Getting Pregnant
First, you need to start watching your diet to ensure that your body is fully prepared to have a baby. This means controlling your food intake and eating the right items to keep your body healthy. You should drink a lot of water and add fruits, juices, vegetables, salads, lean meat, fish, eggs and chicken to your diet. Iron supplements can lower the risk of infertility and you can get this from dark green leafy vegetables which include legumes, broccoli and spinach. You are also recommended to consume unsaturated vegetable oils which include corn oil, sunflower, olive oil and reduce hydrogenated Trans fats such as animal fats, margarine and poor quality oils. Preservatives and sugary foods should be avoided.
Next, you need to identify your most fertile days. Ovulation will take place fourteen days before your menstruation so you can use the necessary tests to monitor your fertile days. You should engage in sexual intercourse as often as you possible can on your fertile day because sperm will only live for a few hours or up to three days in your body.
Reduce your caffeine intake as large amounts can affect your fertility. Reports show that drinking more than three cups daily can reduce your chances of conceiving by fifty percent.
Limit your alcohol consumption as too much can cause you to have a miscarriage. In addition to that, alcohol will destroy important vitamins such as C, E and zinc.
You should also quit smoking when trying to get pregnant. Many studies show that the reproductive process can be damaged seriously by smoking. Besides that, smoking could double the rate of unprompted abortion in natural and vitro conception. Your eggs will also loose quality and conception as well as gestation will be more difficult. It is said that smoking parents can change their child’s genetic information or DNA and they are more likely to develop an abnormal fetus. There are also strong concerns that smoking habits have increased the fertility problems of many individuals these days.
If you have been trying to conceive for a long time, you might be thinking that this is a far fetch dream, but you should not give up. You can follow the suggestions above to greatly improve your chances of getting pregnant.
kindly i need an assistance for me to concieve after along struggle
Hey I need help i haven’t seen my period since april but all test are negative can I still be prego!