April 27, 2023

497 thoughts on “What Happens To Your Periods After Abortion

  1. Hi I had a surgical abortion at 11 weeks in the month of Feb and from that time my period doesn’t last for a day. What could be the reason before abortion my period last for four days now they last for only a day or half? Is everything normal or I should consult a gynaecologist?

    1. Hello Vj, after an abortion a female’s body undergoes major changes, this seems to be one of those things for you. If this persists over a year then see your doctor.

  2. I had an abortion at five weeks and two weeks after that I had my period, which lasted only 3 days (my usual period is on 5) and since then I haven’t seen my period. Is this normal or do I have to go back and see the gynaecologist who conducted the abortion?

    1. Hi there Char, after an abortion this is normal. Things will take a while to gt back t what they normally were.

  3. Hi I had surgical abortion last month my problem is now I am on my period for seven days now. I see a blood with clots its is normal?

    1. Hi there Gloria, yes based on what you have mentioned above there is no cause for concern.

  4. I started what I think is my period 4 weeks after surgical abortion. I went through one tampon in a day, didn’t bleed for the next day and a half and started bleeding very lightly that day (not even enough to fill a tampon) is that normal?

    1. Hello Jessica, your period might come a bit different than it normally does for a while post-abortion.

  5. I had an abortion May 27,2017. I got a 5 day period June 23,2017. In July and August I’ve only gotten a 2 day period. Is this normal?

    1. Hello Sheena, your period might be slightly irregular since you had an abortion. No cause for concern.

  6. Hi, I had an abortion two months ago. I saw my period last month with heavy bleeding for five days though, no pains. I’m seeing my period now but with pains and heavy bleeding and I’m worried. What must I do?

    1. Hi there Tina, there is no real cause for concern here. As women’s period change sometimes after an abortion. If this persists from month to month then see your doctor.

  7. Hi I had an abortion 7 weeks ago and my period is yet to come.and I have being having menstrual cramps for over 3 days now and urinating often. Please is it normal?

    1. Hi there Sandy, if your period does not return within 2 weeks time then please see your doctor. All the best.

  8. Hey. I had a surgical abortion on the 29 of july 2017.. I bleed from 29th to 3 august 2017.. but am yet to get my period till now. Is there any problem

  9. Hello.. I had a surgical abortion on the 29th of july 2017 bleed from 29th july to 3rd of August 2017.. but am yet to get my period

  10. I had an abortion and for the past two month now have not seen my period is this normal

    1. Hi there Jessica, if period does not return in a week please take pregnancy test or see your doctor.

  11. Hi, i had an abortion july 15 at 6 weeks . Came on my period by August 11 for 3 days which was shorter than usual. Then have come on period again August 29. No heavy bleeding but more cramping. Is that normal ?

  12. Hey I’ve had an surgical abortion in may, I had 3 complete periods but irregular, but now as my app (to track cycles and periods) shows my period has to start 2 weeks ago!!
    First period after abortion 16 to 22 jun
    Next one 10 to 15 July
    And last one was on 5 to 11 august
    It’s been at least a month I started working out everyday but now it’s been a week I couldn’t go to gym from back pain, some joint pain, weakness and light dizziness plus I sometimes have symptoms of urine infection and it goes away only when I drink plenty of water, what should I do?

    1. Hello Shikemi, periods might take 3-6 weeks to return, for some women up to two (2) months. Please see your doctor if it has not returned after this time.

  13. Hey, I had a medical abortion at seven weeks on 9 July 2017.(had period on 20 may 2017. ) I bled from 9 July 2017 to 1 August 2017. Had a heavy period on 17 Aug-18 Aug. (2full days). I took a morning after pill on the 19 Aug 2017,and didn’t bleed anytime after, like I usually do. Its the 18 sept 2017 and I’m still waiting for my next period. Is there anything I can do to get my hormones back on track?

  14. If someone mistakenly take abortion pills and she’s not pregnant will she bleed.. And will it be harmful to her body.

    1. Hi there Sharon, period should return within 3-6 weeks. Some women’s period take as long as 2 months to return after an abortion.

  15. Somebody that took abortion pills and after a week plus she want back and do pregnancy test and it still showing positive, does it mean that the person is still pregnant or what?

  16. Hi I had an abortion on the 17th of August bleed for two weeks am not having pregnancy sing again I have not seen my period till now
    what should I do?

    1. Hello Mercy, the only thing to do is wait. Periods should return 3-6weeks. Some women have to wait up until 2 months.

  17. I did a medical abortion on the 18th of August and I’ve been bleeding heavily with clots from that day till today 30th of September. I don’t know if this normal,I’m scared I need an advice or should I visit a doctor?

    1. Hello Angel, if this continues causing lightheadness and heavy bleeding, see your doctor.

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