Hi,had an abortion DEC 2017,bled for a week and up till now April I have not had my period,had discharge whitish earlier this week and my breast are large ,my tummy is swollen and I must confess a times I still think am pregnant,but the results state otherwise
Hello Emerald, it has been 4 months now,since your doctor about this.
I had an abortion 8 days ago… I noticed my feet, legs and even my face are swollen. I dont go back to the clinic for another week… Is it normal to be swelling like this?
Hello Esmeralda, no see your doctor ASAP.
Hey I had an abortion on the 3 rd of April and the bleeding stopped on the 11 th of April. I released something that looked like a placenta and then blood clots.. I am burping and feeling nauseated and i am now worried if i am still pregnant. I am not willing to take a pregnancy test now because i know it will be positive. I just want assurance that i am no longer pregnant.. I am also having brownish or is its yellowish vaginal discharge
Hello Shanell, nothing you wrote indicates you are still pregnant. Nausea might be unrelated.
Hi did my abortion last week Wednesday ,still bleeding a little , have milkish discharge from my breast and period pain like cramps. This night I’ve developed a new pain on top of my belly button can feel it when I lay on my stomach or press the spot . Should I worry about the pain in my belly button
Hello Victoria, if this pain persists and you cannot tolerate the pain then see your doctor.
I took the abortion pills two days ago. The bleeding stopped yesterday but it started again today. It’s very light and there’s a clear slimy fluid with blood when I’m urinating. There’s also a brown vaginal discharge. I’m also very bloated and nauseated. Could I still be pregnant? Should I be concerned? I was 7 weeks when I took the tablet.
Hello Anna, this is normal during an abortion.
had an abortion 5 weeks ago and my stomach still swell/distended abit, my weight is increased but my pt is negative, could it be that something is wrong somewhere because am a bit scared and I haven’t had sex since that time…please I need your comment
Hello Temmy, this is normal after an abortion.
i had my arbotion last year november bleeding for 4wks till now no periods it now about 5mnths always bloating wen i eat anything nausea tiredness sometimes i can feel some movement in my belly so the question is could i be pregnant
Hello Sapor, take a pregnancy test if you feel you might still be pregnant.
Hello there, I had my abortion 5 weeks ago and still no period, I’m getting a bit worried, I had no pain or anything, afterwards and still no pain, but I’ve been a bit bloated the past couple days! Is this normal or should I be calling my doctor’s
Hello Bellyelly, please take a pregnancy test to confirm that you have successfully aborted.
hi, I did my abortion last april22 , i passed big clots that day nothing visible, and im still bleeding , is my abortion success ? but sometimes i feel headaches and im bloated
Hello Lyca, it is normal to have headaches and bloating after you have aborted.
Am Juliet and it’s been 3weeks two days since I had an abortion.I had normal pains and light bleeding and some emptiness in my stomach but am having stomach pains and feel bloated even after testing negative.Am I still pregnant?
Hello Juliet, this is normal after an abortion.
Hi…i took the first dose of misoprostol on thursday 19th april no bleeding i took the second dose on tuesday 24th april stil no bleeding just cramps and bloated stomach with brown discharge…..is it normal?..will i bleed later on?…so so confused
Hello I had an abortion on the 29th of April, I only released something that looks like a small liver but am feeling a severe pain beneath my abdomen, and my breast have some lumps inside and it pains me whenever I lay with my Tommy, please am I still pregnant
Hello Promise please see your doctor about the signs ans symptoms you have noted.
Hey I had a medical abortion on 3rd of april. Passed clots on the first day and bled for about a week. Then bleeding disappered for 4 days. After that again it started, not so heavy. I went to my doc after 14 days of process. Did ultrasound which showed it ws incomplete. Then suction was done on 20th, i bled very light for 2 days, nd on 28th, i passed a grape sized tissue. After that i passed nothing till now but i have a slight pain in my abdomen on the left side. Is it normal?
Hello Rhea, check back with your doctor to ensure you abortion is now successful.
what should i do after i had a medical abortion of 5 weeks and 6 days pregnancy 13 days ago where i passed out large clots of blood but i still feel soreness of the breast and nausea?
Hello Joy, this is normal after an abortion.
I had an abortion 2 weeks ago with misoprostol alone,all the symptoms i had have disappeared except that my stomach looks like its increasing and the area just above my pelvis is hard…I took a home pregnancy test and it still has two lines ….one line is very faint tho…..am I still pregnant?
Hello Joju, retest in a week’s time when your HCG levels should have decreased.
It being 3weeks4days I did abortion, there is blood for like 10days, it stop and start again for four days,after that I took pt test it shows positive,and my tommy feel bloated, and experience saliva.
Hello Dara, this indicates that your HCG levels are still high enough to be considered pregnant. You are still pregnant.
Hello mam I had an abortion on 13 March 2018 after that periods are normal but my stomach is bloating is there any problem.
Hello Jagjit, bloating is normal after an abortion.
i had a medical abortion three hours ago, i am bleeding a lot and i’ve passed some clots and tissue. I still feel gassy and nauseated. Could I still be pregnant?
Hello Celie, this is all normal during an abortion.
hi i had a medical abortion 2 weeks ago, had my trans v and the result was previously seen placenta and embryo no longer found. but my endometry thckness is 1.4cm and it says probably with blood/blood clots. I still feel nausea and my belly looks big. what happening i’m scared
Hello Mimi, the medical professional who performed this procedure is the best person to advise you.
i had my abortion 16may and bled fr a wk..later pass some brown discharge fr a wk too. all symptoms has stopped just that i have constipation.. i took hcg test today and the lines are two but one is faint. am i still pregnant please ??
Hello, it is now one month later you should only be seeing one line (not pregnant).
How long does it take for the bloating to go down. I only had my abortion less than a week ago but I’m really concerned about how big my stomach is. Other people are beginning to notice and it’s hard to hide. I was only 6 weeks but its a big difference from how i looked before the pegnancy. When will it go down?
Hello Samantha, your bloating should reduce soon once abortion was successful.
Hi,had an abortion DEC 2017,bled for a week and up till now April I have not had my period,had discharge whitish earlier this week and my breast are large ,my tummy is swollen and I must confess a times I still think am pregnant,but the results state otherwise
Hello Emerald, it has been 4 months now,since your doctor about this.
I had an abortion 8 days ago… I noticed my feet, legs and even my face are swollen. I dont go back to the clinic for another week… Is it normal to be swelling like this?
Hello Esmeralda, no see your doctor ASAP.
Hey I had an abortion on the 3 rd of April and the bleeding stopped on the 11 th of April. I released something that looked like a placenta and then blood clots.. I am burping and feeling nauseated and i am now worried if i am still pregnant. I am not willing to take a pregnancy test now because i know it will be positive. I just want assurance that i am no longer pregnant.. I am also having brownish or is its yellowish vaginal discharge
Hello Shanell, nothing you wrote indicates you are still pregnant. Nausea might be unrelated.
Hi did my abortion last week Wednesday ,still bleeding a little , have milkish discharge from my breast and period pain like cramps. This night I’ve developed a new pain on top of my belly button can feel it when I lay on my stomach or press the spot . Should I worry about the pain in my belly button
Hello Victoria, if this pain persists and you cannot tolerate the pain then see your doctor.
I took the abortion pills two days ago. The bleeding stopped yesterday but it started again today. It’s very light and there’s a clear slimy fluid with blood when I’m urinating. There’s also a brown vaginal discharge. I’m also very bloated and nauseated. Could I still be pregnant? Should I be concerned? I was 7 weeks when I took the tablet.
Hello Anna, this is normal during an abortion.
had an abortion 5 weeks ago and my stomach still swell/distended abit, my weight is increased but my pt is negative, could it be that something is wrong somewhere because am a bit scared and I haven’t had sex since that time…please I need your comment
Hello Temmy, this is normal after an abortion.
i had my arbotion last year november bleeding for 4wks till now no periods it now about 5mnths always bloating wen i eat anything nausea tiredness sometimes i can feel some movement in my belly so the question is could i be pregnant
Hello Sapor, take a pregnancy test if you feel you might still be pregnant.
Hello there, I had my abortion 5 weeks ago and still no period, I’m getting a bit worried, I had no pain or anything, afterwards and still no pain, but I’ve been a bit bloated the past couple days! Is this normal or should I be calling my doctor’s
Hello Bellyelly, please take a pregnancy test to confirm that you have successfully aborted.
hi, I did my abortion last april22 , i passed big clots that day nothing visible, and im still bleeding , is my abortion success ? but sometimes i feel headaches and im bloated
Hello Lyca, it is normal to have headaches and bloating after you have aborted.
Am Juliet and it’s been 3weeks two days since I had an abortion.I had normal pains and light bleeding and some emptiness in my stomach but am having stomach pains and feel bloated even after testing negative.Am I still pregnant?
Hello Juliet, this is normal after an abortion.
Hi…i took the first dose of misoprostol on thursday 19th april no bleeding i took the second dose on tuesday 24th april stil no bleeding just cramps and bloated stomach with brown discharge…..is it normal?..will i bleed later on?…so so confused
Hi there Pecky, please see the below link:
Hello I had an abortion on the 29th of April, I only released something that looks like a small liver but am feeling a severe pain beneath my abdomen, and my breast have some lumps inside and it pains me whenever I lay with my Tommy, please am I still pregnant
Hello Promise please see your doctor about the signs ans symptoms you have noted.
Hey I had a medical abortion on 3rd of april. Passed clots on the first day and bled for about a week. Then bleeding disappered for 4 days. After that again it started, not so heavy. I went to my doc after 14 days of process. Did ultrasound which showed it ws incomplete. Then suction was done on 20th, i bled very light for 2 days, nd on 28th, i passed a grape sized tissue. After that i passed nothing till now but i have a slight pain in my abdomen on the left side. Is it normal?
Hello Rhea, check back with your doctor to ensure you abortion is now successful.
what should i do after i had a medical abortion of 5 weeks and 6 days pregnancy 13 days ago where i passed out large clots of blood but i still feel soreness of the breast and nausea?
Hello Joy, this is normal after an abortion.
I had an abortion 2 weeks ago with misoprostol alone,all the symptoms i had have disappeared except that my stomach looks like its increasing and the area just above my pelvis is hard…I took a home pregnancy test and it still has two lines ….one line is very faint tho…..am I still pregnant?
Hello Joju, retest in a week’s time when your HCG levels should have decreased.
It being 3weeks4days I did abortion, there is blood for like 10days, it stop and start again for four days,after that I took pt test it shows positive,and my tommy feel bloated, and experience saliva.
Hello Dara, this indicates that your HCG levels are still high enough to be considered pregnant. You are still pregnant.
Hello mam I had an abortion on 13 March 2018 after that periods are normal but my stomach is bloating is there any problem.
Hello Jagjit, bloating is normal after an abortion.
i had a medical abortion three hours ago, i am bleeding a lot and i’ve passed some clots and tissue. I still feel gassy and nauseated. Could I still be pregnant?
Hello Celie, this is all normal during an abortion.
hi i had a medical abortion 2 weeks ago, had my trans v and the result was previously seen placenta and embryo no longer found. but my endometry thckness is 1.4cm and it says probably with blood/blood clots. I still feel nausea and my belly looks big. what happening i’m scared
Hello Mimi, the medical professional who performed this procedure is the best person to advise you.
i had my abortion 16may and bled fr a wk..later pass some brown discharge fr a wk too. all symptoms has stopped just that i have constipation.. i took hcg test today and the lines are two but one is faint. am i still pregnant please ??
Hello, it is now one month later you should only be seeing one line (not pregnant).
How long does it take for the bloating to go down. I only had my abortion less than a week ago but I’m really concerned about how big my stomach is. Other people are beginning to notice and it’s hard to hide. I was only 6 weeks but its a big difference from how i looked before the pegnancy. When will it go down?
Hello Samantha, your bloating should reduce soon once abortion was successful.